
To create your Advert, just use the form below.
Each ad is created and renewed manually to ensure it meets the standards. We do not accept free advertising.
You can pay via PayPal.
Full payment details will be sent to you after you send the submission form or after we agree via email.
Please Note:
After receiving the completed order form, we will check your website, and when it meets the conditions of advertising with us, we will send you an email with a PayPal link for payment. Your sponsored link will appear within 24 hours from the time you complete your payment. Listing does not imply endorsement of any kind.
This directory is not responsible or have any control over the content of listed websites. If your site is rejected we will inform you.
Please note:
If your site is unavailable or you supply incorrect information we will let you know via email and ask you to re-submit at no additional cost.
If your site becomes unavailable in the future it will be deleted from the directory.
If your site’s content changes drastically making it unfit, or unrelated to the directory it will be deleted from the directory.
We may edit or modify any names or descriptions you submit in any way we deem necessary.


Premium Listing
Home/Top Escort Page, All Escorts/Agencies, Country page, category page, 

Three months: 130€
Six months: 240€
One Year: 430€

Basic Listing
All escorts/Agencies Page, Country page, category page, 

Three months: 80€
Six months: 140€
One Year: 250€